Mr old Einstein "God Letter in auction " is saying : " THERE IS NO GOD " NEW EINSTEIN , Mr Rudy Boxman : " THERE IS A GOD and a LAW of NATURE that DUPLICATES everything that we Do ". SEE THE PHOTO's here .
Mr old Einstein is saying : " THERE IS NO GOD "
SAYING : " THERE IS A GOD and A LAW of NATURE THAT DUPLICATES EVERYTHING THAT WE DO and GOD our creator used already that LAW of NATURE to get us back to a PARADISE like EARTH. " #einstein #letter #god #auction
Rudy Boxman advertisements RJBTEAM 31742919360 Phone #news #design #designer Rudy Boxman , Curacaostraat 57 , 7556TM-57 , Hengelo City , The Netherlands , Holland , Phone + 31742919360 .
Rudy Boxman advertisements RJBTEAM 31742919360 Phone #news #design #designer Rudy Boxman , Curacaostraat 57 , 7556TM-57 , Hengelo City , The Netherlands , Holland , Phone + 31742919360 .